
Enterprise News

《North Japan News》Headlines News on the Economic edition reporting GYT joint venture

Addtime:Jun.26, 2013      Source:admin

One of Japan's leading newspapers《North Japan News》reported in June 25th on the headline on the economic edition about GYT joint venture "GYT Toyama Pharmaceutical (Bozhou) Co., Ltd.". Its contents are as follows:

North Japan Pharmacy—delegate Chinese herbal medicine planting business in China and construct the production base for traditional Chinese medicine extract preparation

Japanese traditional Chinese medicine manufacturing enterprise North Japan Pharmacy (Nishimoto Hatsuhiro, general manager, ruoshan, Shangshi Ting) began in China the business of the Chinese herbal medicine entrusted cultivation and export of the medicinal material to Japan. And thus the company’s name was changed from the original San-jiu to North Japan Pharmacy. The joint venture this company set up in China is now making the cultivation experiment and the production base used as Chinese medicine extract preparation is under construction. The joint venture will be facing the Japanese parent company and related companies of Japan with its own planting base and the traditional Chinese medicine with specific management system in other contract bases, seeking differentiation in stability, quality and price.

Most of the herbs used in Japan is imported from China, from the point of view of pesticide residues (residues of heavy metals, sulfur dioxide residues) and effective component , to ensure the stability and quality has become an important issue. Under the background of the rise in labor costs and the reduction of land and resources, the Chinese herbal medicine prices are on the rise. Although the North Japan Pharmaceutical company has got the raw material from the domestic herbal extracts companies and wholesalers。From the point of view of stabilizing prices and ensuring the quality of traditional Chinese medicine, in the autumn of 2011 the company and China's Anhui Province Chinese herbal medicines cultivation and traditional Chinese medicine manufacturing company Anhui GYT Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd set up a joint venture company.

In addition to exporting the traditional Chinese medicinal materials planted in GAP certification farm to this Japanese company and other Japanese companies, Anhui GYT Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd also accepted the plant commission from Japanese wholesalers. The North Japan Pharmacy is China's enterprise Huarun group equity investment company, but one of the companies under this company has the same name "San-jiu". Since the development of business in the local area is prone to confusion, to take this opportunity, the name of the company was thus changed.

Currently, entrusted by Japanese drug wholesaler, Anhui Province is testing two kinds of medicinal herbs, i.e. bupleurum and angelica cultivation. Entrusted cultivation varieties are expected to further increase. As a joint venture (except Chinese medicinal herbs planting and processing base), extract of Chinese medicine preparation production base is also under preparation with the workshop completed.

With the acquiring of the pharmaceutical production license and GMP certification, before the next autumn, the Chinese government will apply for the accreditation of foreign manufacturers of Japan's health ministry. The production is expected to be completed next year. In the future, on the basis of producing tablets, capsules and granules, entering the Chinese market is also under consideration.