
Enterprise News

The education practice inspectorate of the party's mass line from the Provincial Party Committee inspected GYT

Addtime:Apr.17, 2014      Source:admin

On the afternoon of April 16,the education practice inspectorate of the party's mass line from the Provincial Party Committee inspected GYT,and the group leader Miao with the followers visited GYT’s chart display about the group activities and listened to the details about the activities from Gao Guangyin,the branch secretary general. Group leader Miao fully affirmed GYT Party branch’s achievements during developing the mass line education activities, saying that the mass education developed with its characteristics,special measures and down to the earth. He expressed his hope that GYT will further play the role of Party organization in the next phase of work in accordance with General Secretary Xi "three strictness and three practices” and  contribute to the creation of a harmonious society.